Thank you so much for considering me as your officiant. I am a pastor by trade, and would love the opportunity to work with you to make your wedding day the most romantic and most fun days of your lives.

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Quotes From Weddings

“Haley, do you like me?”

Miles had to know how Haley felt so he initiated a define the relationship conversation that sounded like this. “Haley, do you like me?” That conversation happens daily on every junior high school campus but it worked for Miles.

“Neither of us enjoy Sake”

Neither of us enjoy Sake, so the entire time one of us was talking, the other one was making the ugliest face trying to drink the Sake quickly.

“It was the picture of her drum set”

I’d like to say it was the picture of Amanda that got Daniels attention but I’d be lying. It was the picture of her drum set.

“He seemed kind and thoughtful.”

I’d love to say that it was love at first sight, but I’d be lying. Let me put it in Vanessa’s words, “His photos on his profile were a bit ugly, but he seemed kind and thoughtful. When I saw him in person I was shocked because he was so handsome.

“Made my hangover disaster feel so much better.”

I was sitting with friends at a Denny’s when I got the chat notification from William. I was so happy that it made my hangover disaster feel so much better.

“I knew she was a keeper”

I knew she was a keeper when she suggested that after we finished our wine we keep the date going by going to In N’ Out.

“In walked Allison.”

I had a theory that if I had if we made our dorm room the place to be the ladies would come and it worked. In walked Allison.

“I blacked out from the joy”

I swear I blacked out from the joy and the only thing I remember him saying was ‘Will you marry me,’.

“I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.”

As Emily walked home she immediately called her twin sister and said, “I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.”

“I haven’t stopped smiling since.”

I knew very early into our relationship that I was going to marry this man and I haven’t stopped smiling since.

“She lights up every room”

She lights up every room she enters. She makes me smile when all I want to do is frown.

“I was going to marry Arland.”

One day I told his sister that I thought I was going to marry Arland. I was around 16 at the time.

“He asked, she said yes”

He asked, she said yes and then dad jumped out from behind a palm tree to capture the moment in pictures.

“God must have decided it’s Grant’s turn to win the lottery.”

When I asked Grant why he is marrying Amber he said “Because God must have decided it’s Grant’s turn to win the lottery.”

“I saw he had a Superman tattoo”

When I met him, I saw he had a Superman tattoo on the back of his right calf. Little did I know, it was really true!

“I was super nervous”

I was super nervous hoping Thomas was not a weirdo and that his profile pictures were not fake!

“Brings home random flowers”

He always asks if I need anything and brings home random flowers and Fig Newtons.

“He’s shown that he’s capable of evolving.”

When I asked Christine why she is marrying David she said “He’s shown that he’s capable of evolving.”

“Will you be my adventure buddy for life?”

Seth wrapped his arms around Jackie, ring box in my hand, and whispered in her ear: “Will you be my adventure buddy for life?”

“He also has a cute butt.”

I really feel like he is my equal and we treat each other with love and respect. He also has a cute butt.

“That day Ana fell in love.”

William was excited to meet Ana but was feeling a little lack of confidence so he brought his wingman, his dog Scout. That day Ana fell in love. With Scout.

“She didn’t see me, but I noticed her.”

This was Manny’s first impression. “She didn’t see me, but I noticed her. She looked pissed off, definitely not welcoming of any of my advances.” The next morning Manny was looking at his dating app and in a crazy coincidence there was Rachel and guess what? In her profile picture she didn’t look pissed off at all.

“He has this gentle side”

I love that he is a big tough guy but he has this gentle side that I feel like only I get to see.